Our Mission
To serve as humble guides amidst the unknowns of the dying process, helping you manage your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.
To support the individual’s shaping of a meaningful and dignified experience at the end of their life. This may include an exploration of legacy, bringing closure to projects or needed conversations, planning the vigil time, and anything else necessary to facilitate completion.
To help prepare loved ones and assure them in the days leading up to and following the death that they are not alone, lost, or helpless.
To hold intentional time and space for authentic connection, vulnerability, and the expression of love.

Supporting those gathering
life's fruit in the final stages
Harvest is a time for coming together. We gather and share the work, yes, but also the bounty. In the same way, the end of life gives us an opportunity to come together and celebrate life's richness. By taking time to appreciate our efforts, we bring this season to a close and inspire the fruits of yet another to come.

What is an End of Life Doula?
In short, an End of Life Doula or Death Doula is a person who assists the individual and their loved ones in the dying process. Doulas may also support and guide in more logistical ways by helping with non-medical services, such as offering respite to caregivers, and helping the dying person and their loved ones understand their rights and options throughout the dying process. A Death Doula, as we see it, responds to the needs of those they are serving.
There are a variety of ways a doula will serve this end, including:
educating the dying person and family about the dying process
creating vigil plans
doing legacy work
designing rituals to integrate transitions
providing spiritual, psychological, and social support during and just after death

Why work with an End of Life Doula?
The period surrounding death is sure to be very stressful and difficult for any family. We aren’t given a handbook for the end of life, and we’re often ill prepared to navigate this time so full of unknowns. As End of Life Doulas, we help carry some of the mental and emotional weight that will naturally arise in this process. We help hold the last days with dignity and meaning. We support the family in preparing for and processing the departure of their loved one. An End of Life Doula can be an incredible resource to help manage logistical concerns as well, allowing the bereaved to focus on their loved one and each other. Working with an End of Life Doula ensures you will have compassionate guidance throughout the process. You don’t have to do this alone.

Stephen Jenkinson
“Grief is the midwife of your capacity to be immensely grateful for being born.”