About Us
We are excited to be serving Portland, Oregon, and the surrounding area. Our goal is to create the unique doula team that meets your needs and those of your circle of loving support. Our doulas have trained in various Death Doula, Death Midwife, and End of Life Doula modalities, including the International End of Life Doula Association.

Hallowed Harvest Team Lead

Tiffany Baker
My mom moved back to her childhood home in 2005 to take care of her mother through Alzheimer’s. In that time she said to me, “If this ever happens to me, don’t give up your life. Find me a nice place to live where people will take care of me.”
In 2015, the diagnosis arrived: Mom was developing Alzheimer’s.
My mom has always been my best friend. Rather than feeling like I was giving up my life, I saw this as an opportunity: I'd spent my first 30 years focused on myself. Now I had the opportunity to shift my focus to the care of another.
My partner and I moved with my mom to Portland. I realized that my mom's condition would eventually be fatal. I grieved. I started reflecting on my dad’s death 17 years earlier. I wished someone had told me when he was close to dying, so I could have made it home just a few hours earlier and said goodbye. I thought about my mom providing his care day-in and day-out in our remote house on the river. I wished she’d had someone to support her during that time. I realized I wanted to be that someone for others.
I’d love to be that someone for you.
"We are all just walking each other home."
Ram Dass
How does a doula "team" work?
By working with a doula team, you and your loved ones get comprehensive coverage for whatever needs may arise. We'll do your initial consult together and determine how best to proceed. For example, perhaps one of us will do Legacy work while the other helps with the Vigil Plan. Working collaboratively, we can bring more flexibility and support to our clients.
Grief is not a feeling. It is a capacity. It is not something that disables you, we are not on the receiving end of grief. We are on the practicing end of grief.